NATURALLY HEALING COLD REMEDY INGREDIENTSAll the ingredients in this natural cold remedy have their own healing powers but it will still work and make you feel better with just these five basics : Half a lemon (for 1 or 2 people)Apple cider vinegarGinger – fresh or driedCinnamon – stick or powderHoney (nb don’t give honey to children under one)You can give it an extra punch by adding these herbs that have been shown to help relieve cold symptoms:ThymeSageOreganoRosemaryThese herbs are all natural antibiotics that are super easy to grow in containers in a kitchen or small garden but can also be used dried or frozen. (I don’t include any essential oils in this natural remedy and very rarely use them as I fear they have become a bit of a scam with lots of them being promoted under what are basically pyramid schemes.)QUICK DIY COLD REMEDYTo quickly make the cold remedy all you do is :Squeeze lemon into a panCut lemon up into rough piecesPeel & slice a small knob of gingerBreak up cinnamon stickRoughly chop herbsChuck everything in a pan with roughly a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and a cup of water per person. Heat through gently for five minutes or so.Put a teaspoon of honey in each cup and strain the cold remedy over the honey and stir …Then sit down, take the weigh off your feet and let all that hot lemon and honey do its work to soothe your sore throat, ease your sinuses and relieve your chest. Kate Winslet Previous ArticleCut The Sugar In Just 9 Days Next ArticleGet Firm And Tight Breasts In A Week: You Only Need 2 Ingredients! November 5, 2021