The survival rate for ocarian cancer patients is about five years and only about 45% survive that long. Therefore, early detection of this cancer might be crucial to survival. Ovarian cancer symptoms are not easy to notice. Thus, you should keep an eye on these 5 signs. If you experience these symptoms for a week or more, you should go see a doctor. 1. NauseaIf you experience nausea and vomiting they might be symptomsof other diseases as well. However, if you experience them together withbloating, they might be signs of ovarian cancer.2. Painful sexIf you suddenly start experiencing pain during sex and thislasts for more than two weeks you should talk to a doctor. There might be otherreasons why you might feel pain, but it might also be a symptom of ovariancancer. 3. Loss of appetiteIf you seem not be able to eat as much as you used to, thismight also be a symptom of ovarian cancer. Moreover, if you have lost weightsuddenly that’s another sign to go see a doctor.4. Irregular menstruationThere are different reasons why there might be a change inyour period, or some bleeding. However, irregularities with your menstrualcycle, combined with other symptoms might be signs of something more serious. Therefore,you should see a doctor.5. Bloating in the abdomenThe tumors of ovarian cancer might grow very large. In addition,fluid might start growing around them to and this could result in bloating ofthe abdomen. If you notice that your abdomen increases, whereas your arms andface are losing fat it is probably not just a weight gain problem. These aresymptoms of ovarian cancer and you should see a doctor.If you liked this post share it with your friends and family. admin Previous ArticleWhat Does Increased Hair In Different Parts Of The Body Say About Women’s Health Next Article7 Things Your Penis Can Perform Better Tonight November 10, 2020